A-Filefull catalog, sent from SPADOC (similar to CAVENet's daft)Orbit Dynamics Data Processing
space_operations, data_management, operations, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, orbital_mechanics, data_processing_tools -
ACASAssured compliance assessment solution (DISA network security)Security
security, policy, information_security -
ACCAutomatic Catalog CorrectionManagement Data Processing
space_operations, management, data_management, operations, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, agile_management, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
ACSAttitude Control System, which is a subsystem that calculates the SV's whereabouts and positioning.Satops Engineering
space_operations, operations, technical, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, space_communications, system_operations -
ADCAutomatic differential correctionData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
AEHFAdvanced Extreme High FrequencyCommunications
space_operations, communications, operations, technical, space_communications, system_operations -
AFBAir Force BaseOrganization
organization, policy -
AFSPCAir Force Space CommandOrganization
organization, policy -
AGOMarea gamma over mass; radiation pressureOrbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
AMICASW message interface to CPS.Communications
space_operations, communications, operations, technical, space_communications, system_operations -
AN/TPY-2Army/Navy Transportable RadarSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
AOFarea over flight (AS s/w computes potential ground visibility to overhead sats)General Terms
general_terms -
AORArea of ResponsibilityGeneral Terms
AOSAcquisition of Signal (or Satellite). AOS is the time that a satellite rises above the horizon of an observer.Orbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
AObsassociated observationsData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
ARTAgile Release TrainManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
ASastrodynamics standards (AFSPC suite of JSpOC-compatible astro algorithms)Orbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
ASATAnti-satellite weaponsSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
ASCCalternative space control center (former name of DSC2-D)Satops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
ASOTAuthoritative Source of TruthAnalysis Tools
space_operations, data_management, analysis_tools, technical, data_analysis, data_processing_tools -
ASPautomatic satellite propagation (creates ephemeris)Orbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
ASTATAssociation Status (0-4), residuals for each observation in the pass are evaluated against preconfigured association thresholds and multipliers representing established Association Status. Passes achieving ASTAT 0 or 1 are considered verified. Passes achieving ASTAT 2, 3, or 4 are “detagged” by the system and sent to retag processing.Data Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
ASWastrodynamics support workstation (generates eGP TLEs and VCMs); Suite of GUI applications to support SP Catalog Maintenance, Conjunction Assessment, Catalog Metrics, and Sensor Calibration; Omitron legacy COTS product at CSpOCSatops Communications
space_operations, communications, operations, technical, space_communications, system_operations -
ATLApplied Technology Lab, a physical lab & industry groupGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ATLASAdvanced Tracking Launch Analysis SystemAnalysis Tools
space_operations, data_management, analysis_tools, technical, data_analysis, data_processing_tools -
ATPauthority to proceedManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
ATSAbsolute Time SequenceGeneral Terms
general_terms -
AWEalarm warning and events (NDPP screen)Management
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
AaaSAntenna as a ServiceCommunications
space_operations, communications, operations, technical, space_communications, system_operations -
AccordionA navigational device which presents a hierarchical set of items in which only a single branch of that hierarchy is exposed at one time.Design
ui -
AdaLinEAdaptive Linear Element (algorithm for maneuver detection/processing)Analysis Tools
space_operations, data_management, analysis_tools, technical, data_analysis, data_processing_tools -
AlertMessage with a severity and category that is triggered when a mnemonic passes a threshold valueGeneral Terms
general_terms -
Apogeefarthest point an object in orbit reaches from Earth (closest point is Perigee)Orbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
Application StateA tag on the Global Status Bar that presents what state the application is in, such as Production, Review, or Testing.Design
ui, ux
BDrag ballistic coefficientGeneral Terms
general_terms -
BACbudget at completionManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
BAMBreakup Analysis Module (AS app, finds time/location of satellite breakup)Analysis Tools
space_operations, data_management, analysis_tools, technical, data_analysis, data_processing_tools -
BCRbaseline change requestManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
BCWPbudgeted cost of work performedManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
BCWSbudgeted cost of work scheduledManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
BDAbattle damage assessmentGeneral Terms
general_terms -
BLUFBottom Line Up FrontManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
BMC2ballistic missile command and controlSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
BMC3Battle Management, Command, Control, and CommunicationsSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
BMEWSballistic missile early warning systemSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
BOBusiness OwnerManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
BOEbasis of estimateManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
BOMbill of materialManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
BPPBMEWS and Pave PawsManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
BSAbattle space analyst (OA at the NSDC)General Terms
general_terms -
BSTARSGP4-type drag coefficientGeneral Terms
general_terms -
BVBusiness valueGeneral Terms
general_terms -
BatchDCbatch DC (AS app that performs least squares batch DCs using SSN obs)Data Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
Brig GenBrigadier GeneralOrganization
organization, policy -
BusterIdentify and flag classified dataGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ButtonA Button allows users to trigger actions by clicking, tapping, or pressing a corresponding key on a keyboard, such as “Enter.”Design
ui, ux
C & Ccommand and controlGeneral Terms
general_terms -
C2command and controlGeneral Terms
general_terms -
CAConjunction AssessmentGeneral Terms
general_terms -
CACCommon Access CardGeneral Terms
general_terms -
CADTConjunction Assessment Duty TechnicianGeneral Terms
general_terms -
CALcost account leadGeneral Terms
general_terms -
CAMP(As in Space Camp) Commercially Augmented Mission PlatformGeneral Terms
general_terms -
CAPCOControlled Access Program Coordination OfficeOrganization
organization, policy -
CARAConjunction Assessment Risk AnalysisOrganization Analysis Tools
space_operations, organization, data_management, analysis_tools, technical, policy, data_analysis, data_processing_tools -
CAVENetCorrelation, Analysis, and Verification of Ephemerides Network; SGI-based computer networkGeneral Terms
general_terms -
CBRNEChemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and ExplosivesGeneral Terms
general_terms -
CCCrew CommanderOrganization
organization, policy -
CCAScombat capability assessment system, outputs scheduled sensor downtimeGeneral Terms
general_terms -
CCSCCommand and Control System – ConsolidatedGeneral Terms
general_terms -
CCSDSconsultative committee for space data servicesGeneral Terms
general_terms -
CDMConjunction Data MessageGeneral Terms
general_terms -
organization, policy -
CDRLcontract/customer data requirements listGeneral Terms
general_terms -
CFECommon Framework Environment (Dahlgren)Engineering
space_operations, technical, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, system_operations -
CLICommand Line InterfaceEngineering Human Computer Interaction
space_operations, user_interface, technical, human_computer_interaction, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, system_operations -
CLINcontract line item numberGeneral Terms
general_terms -
CMASCheyenne Mountain Air StationOrganization
organization, policy -
CMDCommand/sGeneral Terms
general_terms -
CMMCCybersecurity Maturity Model CertificationSecurity
security, policy, information_security -
CNSCapabilities Needs StatementsGeneral Terms
general_terms -
COACourse of ActionAnalysis Tools
space_operations, data_management, analysis_tools, technical, data_analysis, data_processing_tools -
COCOco-planar comparison (AS app that compares TLEs to find co-planar orbits)Analysis Tools
space_operations, data_management, analysis_tools, technical, data_analysis, data_processing_tools -
CODACcatalog orbit determination accuracyData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
COLALaunch Collision AvoidanceOrganization
organization, policy -
COMBOcomputation of miss between orbitsCommunications Data Processing
space_operations, data_management, communications, operations, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, space_communications, data_processing_tools, system_operations -
COMSECCommunications SecuritySecurity
security, policy, information_security -
CONOPSConcept of OperationsGeneral Terms
general_terms -
organization, policy -
CheckboxA Checkbox allows a user to select a value from a small set of options.Design
ui, ux -
Classification & Control MarkingsMarkings required to be present on software that includes controlled or classified information.Design
ui, ux -
ClockClock shows the current date and time, and optional AOS and LOS timers.Design
ui, ux -
CoIncommunications infrastructureGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ColColonelGeneral Terms
general_terms -
Color PalettesThe list of color values used in and approved by the Astro design system.Design
CommsCommunicationsGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ComplianceA list of rules used to determine if products align with Astro design and usage patterns.General Terms
Concept SketchA sketch on paper that lays out the main content workspace and controls and clarifies the flow of user interaction from screen-to-screen.Design
ui, ux -
ConjunctionCollision RiskSatops
general_terms -
ContactPeriod in which a spacecraft is able to be in contact with a ground systemSatops
D3SOEdenied, degraded and disrupted space operating environmentGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DAdata accessOrbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
DALdata accession listGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DB StateDatabase StateGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DCDifferential Correction; techniques for improving GPS positioning accuracyGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DCAdynamic calibration atmosphereOrganization
organization, policy -
DCEdifferential correction ephemerisOrbit Dynamics Data Processing
space_operations, data_management, operations, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, orbital_mechanics, data_processing_tools -
DCFDSC2 Common FrameworkGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DCIODeputy Chief Information OfficerGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DCPdynamic consider parameterOrbit Dynamics Data Processing
space_operations, data_management, operations, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, orbital_mechanics, data_processing_tools -
DCYdecay report or a command initiating a decay reportGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DISADefense Information Systems AgencyGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DISNDefense Information Systems NetworkGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DLAdynamic LUPI algorithmGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DNPDo Not ProcessGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DNSDomain Name SystemGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DOORSDynamic Object-Oriented Requirements SystemEngineering
space_operations, technical, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, system_operations -
DOT&EDirector of Operational Test and EvaluationOrganization
organization, policy -
DOYDay of YearGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DRAData Reduction and AnalysisGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DRBDiscrepancy Review BoardGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DSdeep spaceGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DSC2-Ddistributed space command and control at DahlgrenGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DSILDistributed Systems Integration LaboratoriesEngineering
space_operations, technical, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, system_operations -
DXDeveloper ExperienceGeneral Terms
general_terms -
Data VisualizationThe goal of Data Visualization is to make complex information accessible and easy to digest in a visual manner.Design
ui, ux -
DegsDegree/sGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DeltaSymbol for changeOrbit Dynamics General Terms
space_operations, general_terms, operations, orbital_mechanics -
Delta-VCapability for a satellite to maneuver in orbitOrbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
Design TokensA pairing of the same code and visual properties in a format that is deployable across all platforms, acting as a single source of truth for both designers and developers.Design
ui, ux -
DialogA Dialog interrupts app processing to prompt a user to confirm an action or acknowledge a piece of information. It displays information along with a set of buttons allowing users to accept or cancel the actions presented within the Dialog.Design
ui, ux -
DoCDemonstration of CapabilitiesGeneral Terms
general_terms -
DoDDepartment of DefenseOrganization
organization, policy -
DoSDepartment of StateGeneral Terms
EACrevised budget based on BAC and VACGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ECIearth-centered inertial reference frameGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ECPEngineering change proposalEngineering
space_operations, technical, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, system_operations -
EDRenergy dissipation rateGeneral Terms
general_terms -
EGPextrapolated general perturbationsGeneral Terms
general_terms -
EGRerror growth rateGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ELCOMPTLE comparison appAnalysis Tools Engineering
space_operations, data_management, analysis_tools, technical, data_analysis, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, data_processing_tools, system_operations -
ELSETElement setGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ELSET Plotterapplication on CAVENetAnalysis Tools Engineering
space_operations, data_management, analysis_tools, technical, data_analysis, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, data_processing_tools, system_operations -
EMAEnterprise Messaging & AdaptersGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ENSEmergency Notification SystemGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ENUMspecial data type for predefined constantsGeneral Terms
general_terms -
EQAElement QualityGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ERBEngineering Review BoardEngineering
space_operations, technical, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, system_operations -
ESAEuropean Space AgencyGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ESBMC2Enterprise Space Battle Management Command & ControlGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ESOenhanced surveillance operationsGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ETCestimated cost to completionGeneral Terms
general_terms -
EVEephemeris validation environmentGeneral Terms
general_terms -
EWRearly warning radarGeneral Terms
general_terms -
EXDISExclusive Distribution, DoS classificationSecurity
security, policy, information_security -
Ephemerispredicted future location of a satelliteGeneral Terms
FELDField elementsSecurity
security, policy, information_security -
FMCForced Motion CircumnavigationGeneral Terms
general_terms -
FOSSFree and open source softwareGeneral Terms
general_terms -
FOUOFor Official Use Only, replaced by CUISecurity
security, policy, information_security -
FOVfield of viewSecurity Orbit Dynamics
space_operations, security, operations, policy, information_security, orbital_mechanics -
FRDFormerly Restricted DataSecurity
security, policy, information_security -
FVEYFive Eyes intelligence allianceSecurity
security, policy, information_security -
FormsA text field, input, or inputs which require interaction with the user to complete an action such as signing up for an account.Design
ui, ux
GCAGeocentric Crossing AnalysisAnalysis Tools
space_operations, data_management, analysis_tools, technical, data_analysis, data_processing_tools -
GEOgeosynchronous orbitOrbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
GEODSSground-based electro-optical deep space surveillanceSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
GFEgovernment-furnished equipmentGeneral Terms
general_terms -
GMSECGoddard Mission Services Evolution CenterGeneral Terms
general_terms -
GMTGreenwich Mean TimeGeneral Terms
general_terms -
GNCGuidance, Navigation and Control subsystemEngineering
space_operations, technical, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, system_operations -
GOBSGeosynchronous Orbital Belt SoftwareAnalysis Tools
space_operations, data_management, analysis_tools, technical, data_analysis, data_processing_tools -
GPgeneral perturbationsGeneral Terms
general_terms -
GRMGround Resource ManagementManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
GRSGround Resource SchedulingManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
GSOGround Systems OperatorGeneral Terms
general_terms -
GSSAPgeostationary SSA programGeneral Terms
general_terms -
GSWglobal sensor watchGeneral Terms
general_terms -
GenGeneralGeneral Terms
general_terms -
Global ControlsDisplay top-level system and equipment status throughout Astro applications.Design
ui, ux -
Global Status BarA full width view across the top of an application that displays the overall health and status of a system.Design
ui, ux -
GovieCustomer ResourceGeneral Terms
general_terms -
GridA Grid system is a defined set of vertical columns and optionally horizontal rows based on time-tested principles of graphic design and layout.Design
HAChigh accuracy catalogGeneral Terms
general_terms -
HAMRhigh area to mass ratioGeneral Terms
general_terms -
HASDMhigh accuracy satellite drag modelGeneral Terms
general_terms -
HBRhard body radius (same as radius of exclusion volume)General Terms
general_terms -
HBSShost-based security system (DoD COTS security software)General Terms
general_terms -
HEOhighly elliptical orbitOrbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
HIEThigh interest event trackerGeneral Terms
general_terms -
HIOhigh interest objectGeneral Terms
general_terms -
HIThigh interest taskingGeneral Terms
general_terms -
HOSHardened Operating SystemEngineering
space_operations, technical, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, system_operations -
HSAHuman Safety Analyst; aka OSA (newer)General Terms
general_terms -
HSFhuman space flightGeneral Terms
general_terms -
Hand jamoperator manually enters dataHuman Computer Interaction
user_interface, human_computer_interaction -
High-EHighly Eccentric orbit (e.g., Molniya orbit)General Terms
I&AInspect & Adapt (Agile Program Increment terminology)General Terms
general_terms -
I&PInnovation & Planning (Agile Program Increment terminology)General Terms
general_terms -
I&WIndications and WarningsGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ICDinterface control documentGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ICEinstall, checkout and evaluationGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ILDoD Impact Level; combination of data sensitivity and potential impactGeneral Terms
general_terms -
IL2DoD Impact Level 2, accommodates DoD information approved for public releaseGeneral Terms
general_terms -
IL4DoD Impact Level 4, accommodates DoD Controlled Unclassified InformationGeneral Terms
general_terms -
IL5DoD Impact Level 5, accommodates DoD CUI & National Security SystemsGeneral Terms
general_terms -
IL6DoD Impact Level 6, accommodates DoD Classified Information up to SECRETGeneral Terms
general_terms -
IMOSCIntegrated Mission Operations Control CenterGeneral Terms
general_terms -
IODimproved object detectionGeneral Terms
general_terms -
IOD or IODETinitial orbit determinationGeneral Terms
general_terms -
IOEIntegrated Operations EnvironmentGeneral Terms
general_terms -
IOMODinitial orbit determination moduleGeneral Terms
general_terms -
IPRIn Progress ReviewGeneral Terms
general_terms -
IQTInitial Qualification TrainingTraining
training, agile_management, technical_training -
IRADInternal Research and DevelopmentGeneral Terms
general_terms -
IRCIinfrared cloud imagerGeneral Terms
general_terms -
IRONInter-Range Operating NumberGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ISSInternational Space StationSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
ISSAintegrated space situational awarenessSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
ISSEInformation Support Server EnvironmentGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ITJcommand to display tasking groupsSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
ITW/AAIntegrated Tactical Warning and Attack AssessmentSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
IconsA graphic representation to convey meaning in a concise, visual manner.Design
ui, ux -
IdCSIdentified Catalog Services, used to query a catalog for specific entity classes like satellites.General Terms
general_terms -
Input FieldA type of field that allows users to enter text or numeric data.Design
ui, ux
JFCCJoint Functional Component CommandSatops Organization
space_operations, organization, operations, policy, space_communications, system_operations -
JIRAAgile project management softwareGeneral Terms
general_terms -
JMSJSpOC Mission SystemSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
JMS-HIETJMS - High Interest Event TrackerGeneral Terms
general_terms -
JOitLJoint Operator in the LoopSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
JSpOCJoint Space Operational CommandSatops Organization
space_operations, organization, operations, policy, space_communications, system_operations -
JWICSJoint Worldwide Intelligence Communications SystemSatops Training
space_operations, training, operations, agile_management, technical_training, space_communications, system_operations
KDPKey Decision PointsGeneral Terms
LACELean Agile Center of ExcellenceManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
LADOlaunch and early orbit anomaly resolution and disposal operationsManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
LAMODlook angle moduleEngineering
space_operations, technical, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, system_operations -
LDCMLimited Dissemination Control MarkingGeneral Terms
general_terms -
LEOlow Earth orbitOrbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
LFMlinear frequency modulationGeneral Terms
general_terms -
LOElevel of effortManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
LOSLoss of SignalGeneral Terms
general_terms -
LPMLean Portfolio ManagementGeneral Terms
general_terms -
LUpIlength of update intervalGeneral Terms
general_terms -
LinkA link (also known as a hyperlink) is a clickable text element. The link control is used for navigation, but can also trigger an event.Design
ui, ux -
LogA tabular representation of application events and may include username, priority, equipment type, signal type, etc.Design
ui, ux -
LtLieutenantGeneral Terms
general_terms -
Lt ColLieutenant ColonelGeneral Terms
general_terms -
Lt GenLieutenant GeneralGeneral Terms
MAESTROmission adaptive environment for spacecraft test and real-time operationsGeneral Terms
general_terms -
MAJCOMMajor CommandOrganization
organization, policy -
MATMission Area TeamsManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
MBSEModel Based Systems EngineeringEngineering
space_operations, technical, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, system_operations -
MDmissile defenseGeneral Terms
general_terms -
MDCmanual differential correctionGeneral Terms
general_terms -
MECAMega Constellation AnalysisGeneral Terms
general_terms -
MEMEmean equator, mean equinoxGeneral Terms
general_terms -
MEOMedium Earth OrbitGeneral Terms
general_terms -
MGPMaintenance GroupGeneral Terms
general_terms -
MIEMission Integration EnclaveEngineering
space_operations, technical, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, system_operations -
MIL Standardgovernment mandated serviceGeneral Terms
general_terms -
MIPmaneuver in progressManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
MOCMission Operation CenterGeneral Terms
general_terms -
MOMMeasure of MeritManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
MOSSMoron optical space surveillanceGeneral Terms
general_terms -
MPSmission processing systemGeneral Terms
general_terms -
MRmanagement reserveManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
MWmissile warningManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
MajMajorGeneral Terms
general_terms -
Maj GenMajor GeneralOrganization
organization, policy -
ManDCManual Differential CorrectionGeneral Terms
general_terms -
MessageTracks (obs), taskings, elsets.General Terms
general_terms -
MnemonicSingle value that can be monitoredGeneral Terms
general_terms -
Modeless PaneA visual pattern used to present temporary interactions inline and does not require user action before moving to another area of the page.Design
ui, ux -
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
management, operations, project_management, agile_management
NAFNumbered Air ForceGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NAONetwork Administration OperatorOrganization
organization, policy -
NARANational Archives and Records AdministrationOrganization
organization, policy -
NASANational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationOrganization
organization, policy -
NC3Nuclear Command and Control systemGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NCONon-Commissioned OfficerGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NDNormal DecayGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NDPPnontraditional data pre-processorGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NDSANational Defense Space ArchitectureGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NEnear-EarthGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NFabbreviated version of NOFORNGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NFLnew foreign launchGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NGGNext Gen GeoGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NIPRNon-classified Internet Protocol Router NetworkGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NISTNational Institute of Standards and TechnologyGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NLTNo later thanGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NMCNatural Motion CircumnavigationGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NMLnormal, i.e., normal decayGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationOrganization
organization, policy -
NOFORNClassification marking caveatGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NORADNorth American Aerospace Defense CommandGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NOSnetwork ops serviceGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NRONational Reconnaissance OfficeOrganization
organization, policy -
NSDCNational Space Defense CenterGeneral Terms
general_terms -
NavigationNavigation defines how the user moves through the application and establishes their mental model of the object hierarchy.Design
ui, ux -
Navigational TabsDivide major areas of content and to indicate a work process.Design
ui, ux -
Notification BannerEvents that deserve user attention, but don’t require a response, may be displayed in a Notification Banner. The Banner displays within the user’s field-of-view, but doesn’t block other interaction.Design
ui, ux -
Notification SystemA system which generates, prioritizes, and displays event notifications for significant occurrences within an application and its associated systems and hardware.Design
OAorbital analysis or orbital analystGeneral Terms
general_terms -
OCMOrbital Conjunction MessageData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
OCROffice of Contributory ResponsibilityGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ODorbit determinationGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ODEorbit determination ephemerisData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
ODIorbit determination intervalData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
ODROrbital Data RequestsData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
OEMOrbital Ephemeris MessageEngineering Data Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, data_processing_tools, system_operations -
OJTOn the Job TrainingTraining
training, agile_management, technical_training -
OLAOperating Location AlphaGeneral Terms
general_terms -
OMRobservation maintenance requestGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ONRoffice of naval researchOrganization
organization, policy -
OPIROverhead Persistent InfraredData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
OSAOrbital Safety AnalystGeneral Terms
general_terms -
OT&EOperational Test & EvaluationGeneral Terms
general_terms -
OTAOther Transaction AuthorityGeneral Terms
general_terms -
OTLOps Tasking ListGeneral Terms
general_terms -
Ob(s)observation(s)General Terms
general_terms -
OpsOperationsGeneral Terms
PARCSperimeter acquisition radar attack characterization systemSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
PAVE PAWSPerimeter Acquisition Vehicle Entry Phased Array Warning SystemSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
PCprobability of collisionGeneral Terms
general_terms -
PCAposition of closest approachGeneral Terms
general_terms -
PEGPegasus debrisGeneral Terms
general_terms -
PERTprogram evaluation and review techniqueManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
PIProgram IncrementManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
PMOProgram Management OfficeManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
PNTPosition, Navigation, and TimingGeneral Terms
general_terms -
POBSpartially associated observationsData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
POCPoint of ContactData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
POPPeriod of PerformanceManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
PPLpre-planned launchGeneral Terms
general_terms -
PSLVPolar Space Launch Vehicle debrisGeneral Terms
general_terms -
PSOPayload System OperatorGeneral Terms
general_terms -
PaginationThe process of dividing content for display on multiple pages. It is utilized when content, such as Search results, does not fit onto one page and must be split across multiple pages.Design
ui, ux -
Perigeeclosest point an object in orbit reaches to EarthOrbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
Periodamount of time to complete an orbitOrbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
PitchRotation around the side-to-side axisOrbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
Pop Up MenuA Pop Up Menu provides users with a quick way to access common actions for a highlighted item.Design
ui, ux -
Progress IndicatorA Progress Indicator signals that an application is busy performing an operation.Design
ui, ux -
Push ButtonA control that initiates an action.Design
ui, ux
QBDquantifiable backup dataGeneral Terms
R-baraverage radial vectorOrbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
R/BRocket BodyGeneral Terms
general_terms -
R2C2Rapid Resilience Control and CommandEngineering
space_operations, technical, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, system_operations -
RAreentry assessmentOrbit Dynamics General Terms
space_operations, general_terms, operations, orbital_mechanics -
RAANright ascension of the ascending nodeOrbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
RANODEthe right ascension of the ascending nodeGeneral Terms
general_terms -
RAVENResidual Analysis and Visualization EnvironmentAnalysis Tools
space_operations, data_management, analysis_tools, technical, data_analysis, data_processing_tools -
RCORapid Capabilities OfficeOrganization
organization, policy -
RCSRadar Cross SectionGeneral Terms
general_terms -
RDRestricted DataGeneral Terms
general_terms -
RDA&Mrequirements definition, analysis and modelingGeneral Terms
general_terms -
RDSMOResearch and Development Space and Missile OperationsGeneral Terms
general_terms -
RFRadio FrequencyOrbit Dynamics Communications
space_operations, communications, operations, technical, space_communications, orbital_mechanics, system_operations -
RIARecommended Improvement AreasManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
RICCoordinate frame for spacecraft: Radial, In-track, Cross-track directionsGeneral Terms
general_terms -
RMFRisk Management FrameworkManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
ROAMResolved, Owned, Accepted, MitigatedOrbit Dynamics Management
space_operations, management, operations, project_management, agile_management, orbital_mechanics -
ROBReference Orbit BuilderGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ROTASReport Observation Tag and Association StatusAnalysis Tools Data Processing
space_operations, data_management, analysis_tools, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
RPORendezvous Proximity OperationsOrbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
RSCRDT&E Support ComplexGeneral Terms
general_terms -
RSOResident Space ObjectGeneral Terms
general_terms -
RTERelease Train EngineerManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
Radio ButtonAllows users to mutually select an option from a predefined set of options. When one selection is made, the previous selection becomes deselected.Design
ui, ux -
Refreferring toGeneral Terms
general_terms -
ResearchResearch is an essential process to a project’s success. It reveals, clarifies, and establishes the foundation on which the application resides.Design
ux, process -
RevrevolutionGeneral Terms
general_terms -
RollRotation around the front-to-back axisGeneral Terms
general_terms -
RxReceiveGeneral Terms
SSecret classification levelGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SAsituational awarenessGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SAALstandardized astrodynamics algorithm libraryAnalysis Tools Data Processing
space_operations, data_management, analysis_tools, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
SAASsatellite attack assessmentGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SACspace analysis cellGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SAFeScaled Agile FrameworkGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SAPFSpecial Access Program FacilitiesGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SATCsee SatCatGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SATCOMsatellite communicationsCommunications
space_operations, communications, operations, technical, space_communications, system_operations -
SATOPSsatellite operationsSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
SATRANsatellite reconnaissance advanced notificationGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SBIRSSpace Based Infrared SystemSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
SCBService Catalog BoardGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SCCsatellite catalog numberGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SCGSecurity Classification GuideGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SCISensitive Compartmented InformationSecurity
security, policy, information_security -
SCIFSensitive Compartmented Information FacilitySecurity
security, policy, information_security -
SCMsatellite catalog maintenanceSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
SCOSpace Console OperatorSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
SCRWGsatellite catalog renumbering working groupGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SDASpace Domain AwarenessSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
SDRsoftware-defined radioGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SDRLsupplier data requirements listData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
SDSspace data serverSecurity Data Processing
space_operations, security, data_management, technical, policy, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, information_security, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
SE/ArchSystem Engineering / ArchitectureEngineering
space_operations, technical, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, system_operations -
SENSORSystem Engineering and Sustainment IntegratorEngineering
space_operations, technical, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, system_operations -
SEVspace enterprise visionGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SGISilicon Graphics, Inc.Security
security, policy, information_security -
SGP4simplified general perturbationsSecurity
security, policy, information_security -
SGPESpecial General Perturbations EphemerisGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SGSSSpace Ground System SolutionsSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
SHIOsuper high interest objectGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SILSystems Integration LabEngineering
space_operations, technical, system_engineering, technical_training, software_engineering, hardware_engineering, system_operations -
SIPRNetSecret Internet Protocol Routing NetworkCommunications
space_operations, communications, operations, technical, space_communications, system_operations -
SISPsingle integrated space pictureSatops Communications Data Processing
space_operations, data_management, communications, operations, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, space_communications, data_processing_tools, system_operations -
SKIWebStrategic Knowledge Integration WebData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
SLAsensor look anglesGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SLRsatellite laser rangingGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SMCSpace & Missile Systems CenterOrganization
organization, policy -
SMESubject Matter ExpertGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SMFSpace Mission ForceOrganization
organization, policy -
SNCOSenior Non-Commissioned OfficerOrganization
organization, policy -
SOCSatellite Operations CenterSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
SOHState of HealthSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
SOIspace object identificationSatops Orbit Dynamics General Terms
space_operations, general_terms, operations, space_communications, orbital_mechanics, system_operations -
SPspecial perturbationsOrbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
SPACECATSpace CatalogOrbit Dynamics Data Processing
space_operations, data_management, operations, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, orbital_mechanics, data_processing_tools -
SPADOCSpace Defense Operations CenterSatops Data Processing
space_operations, data_management, operations, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, space_communications, data_processing_tools, system_operations -
SSASpace Situational AwarenessSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
SSCSpaces Systems CommandSatops Organization
space_operations, organization, operations, policy, space_communications, system_operations -
SSNSpace Surveillance NetworkSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
SSTspace surveillance telescopeSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
STOSpace Tasking OrderSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
SVSpace VehicleSatops Orbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, space_communications, orbital_mechanics, system_operations -
SWCSpace War-fighting ConstructSatops
space_operations, operations, space_communications, system_operations -
S/CSpacecraftGeneral Terms
general_terms -
Satffile of all TLEsGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SatsatelliteGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SatCatsatellite catalogGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SearchA specialized text field for entering search terms.Design
ui, ux -
Segmented ButtonAllows users to select one item at a time from two to four options.Design
ui, ux -
Select MenuA UI control that allows users to select a value from a list of values.Design
ui, ux -
Sign InA form input in which a user enters authenticating information to gain access to specific information or usage of an application.Design
ui, ux -
SimsimulationGeneral Terms
general_terms -
SliderA graphical control element that allows users to choose from a range of continuous and discrete values.Design
ui, ux -
Status IndicatorIndicates the state of a device or feature in a standard and consistent way using color, shapes, labeling, and badging.Design
ui, ux -
Status SystemA combination of colors and symbols to convey the status of a system.Design
ui, ux -
SwitchA Switch which describes a state or value. It allows users to change a setting between two states such as “On" and "Off."Design
ui, ux -
SymbolsA graphical representation or glyph associated with actions, concepts, or objects such as an asterisk.Design
ui, ux
T&CTelemetry & CommandGeneral Terms
general_terms -
TCATime of Closest ApproachOrbit Dynamics Management
space_operations, management, operations, project_management, agile_management, orbital_mechanics -
TDRSTracking and Data Relay SatelliteGeneral Terms
general_terms -
TDYTemporary Additional DutyGeneral Terms
general_terms -
TEARRtime, elevation, azimuth, range, range-rateManagement Data Processing
space_operations, management, data_management, operations, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, agile_management, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
TEMtechnical exchange meetingTraining
training, agile_management, technical_training -
TEMEtrue equator, mean equinoxOrbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
TESTest and Evaluation ServicesManagement Training
management, training, operations, project_management, agile_management, technical_training -
TILtest & integration labTraining
training, agile_management, technical_training -
TIPTracking and Impact PredictionOrbit Dynamics Analysis Tools
space_operations, data_management, analysis_tools, operations, technical, data_analysis, orbital_mechanics, data_processing_tools -
TLEtwo-line elementOrbit Dynamics
space_operations, operations, orbital_mechanics -
training, agile_management, technical_training -
TOTechnical OrderGeneral Terms
general_terms -
TOWtest objective worksheetManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
TRACKTiered ROTAS Association with Covariance KnowledgeGeneral Terms
general_terms -
TSTop Secret classification levelGeneral Terms
general_terms -
TSSThe system shallGeneral Terms
general_terms -
TT&CTracking, Telemetry & CommandCommunications
space_operations, communications, operations, technical, space_communications, system_operations -
TTXTraining, Testing and ExercisesCommunications Training
space_operations, training, communications, operations, technical, agile_management, technical_training, space_communications, system_operations -
TablesA UX design mechanism comprised of rows and columns used for displaying content.Design
ui, ux -
TabsTabs in Astro Applications are used to divide major areas of content and to indicate work process.Design
ui, ux -
TagsSmall markers which often use color to identify important information at a glance, as well as filter and categorize items by keywords.Design
ui, ux -
Telemetrysatellite status dataCommunications
space_operations, communications, operations, technical, space_communications, system_operations -
ThemeA preset set of colors applied as a group to the design system.Design
ui, ux -
TimelineDisplays event information within a specified time period.Design
ui, ux -
TreeA list box that displays the hierarchical relationship among the objects in the list.Design
ui, ux -
space_operations, communications, operations, technical, space_communications, system_operations -
TypographyThe font and text settings that Astro uses across the design system.Design
ui, ux
UUnclassified or Uncontrolled Unclassified InformationGeneral Terms
general_terms -
UCAUpcoming Contacts AllocatedData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
UCDuncatalogued near space objectData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
UCTuncorrelated track/targetData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
UDLUnified Data LibraryData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
UDLMurgent depot-level maintenanceManagement
management, operations, project_management, agile_management -
UDOPuser defined operational pictureData Processing User Experience
space_operations, data_management, user_interface, technical, project_management, user_experience_design, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
UEWRupdated early warning radarGeneral Terms
general_terms -
UOuncorrelated/unassociated observationData Processing
space_operations, data_management, technical, project_management, data_analysis, system_engineering, software_engineering, data_processing_tools -
USAFUnited States Air ForceOrganization
organization, policy -
USSTRATCOMUnited States Strategic CommandOrganization
organization, policy -
UTCCoordinated Universal TimeGeneral Terms
general_terms -
UUIUncontrolled Unclassified InformationGeneral Terms
ValidationEnsures that data is properly entered into an Input Field or Form. It alerts users to data errors, required input, and prompts them to make corrections.Design
ui, ux
WireframeA page schematic or screen blueprint that represents the skeletal framework of a Web page or Web site.Design
ui, ux